
Your Chance To Shine+


We live in a world where everything is fast-paced and skim read. There is a constant demand for the next big thing and we are forever on the go, running to keep up with everyone else.

For those pivotal moments where our performance is the make or break. You train, you study, you practice and you give your all, but now you can do something more.

Shine+ is a little bottle of magic, scientifically formulated to improve focus and mental processing speed. The world’s first ‘nootropic’ drink to hit your supermarket shelves, it’s designed to improve cognitive function. Shine+ aims to enhance:

  • Executive function
  • Memory
  • Attention
  • Perception
  • Psychomotor functions and language

Founders Stephan Chapman & Dr Sam Prince came up with the idea of a drink to enhance brain function while on a trip to New York City in 2015. The pair were both young, successful entrepreneurs at the time, who combined their thoughts to create the first ‘nootropic’ drink.

Through the use of the skills of Dr Sam Prince, they formulated a drink that contains no added sugar, artificial flavours or colours. Made with evidence based ingredients – caffeine, ginkgo biloba, Siberian ginseng, green tea extract and tumeric – Shine+ is healthy energy for your mind.

With 2017 flying by, June is here and Christmas is just around the corner(HAH!) If you’re looking for that little extra something to get you through the daily grind, maybe it’s time to give Shine+ a go.

Dalton Graham
Founder of The Tailored Man Dalton Graham is a football playing fashion aficionado who cut his teeth in the rag trade since he could talk. Growing up in the fashion industry, its no secret that style is running through his veins. Experienced beyond his years, the humble perfectionist thrives on helping the everyday man.